Having a boss who you can write birthday wishes to is an honor that shouldn’t be taken for granted. If you are reading this post, chances are that you’re working with a super boss who makes extra hours on assignments feel like a vacation. So, sit back as we handle the job for you, of giving him/her the birthday wishes that befit his status as a boss.
Birthday Wishes For Boss
1: You have merited the title, “Boss of The Year” for your empathetic attitude toward every one of us working for you. On the occasion of your birthday today, I wish you all the amazing blessings you have ever imagined for yourself.

2: Cheers to a fantastic new year in your life. You deserve to be happy, so, I am drinking to an overflow of happiness all the days of your life. Happy birthday, boss.
3: I hope you’ll find fulfillment in the everyday, simple things of your life. I pray that you enjoy good health that makes every day worth living. Happy birthday, boss.
4: When people say that no one is indispensable, I laugh at them because they haven’t met your kind of personality. Without you, I am sure we would have still been scavenging at the bottom. Happy birthday, boss lady.
5: Many are called boss but few are the real deal. Suffice it to say that you are one of the few amazing supervisors I have ever worked with. Happy birthday.
6: I don’t just hope for the best for you, I will them to be yours for the taking. Happy birthday, boss.
7: Whenever Mondays come, I am reminded that it’s going to be a fantabulous work week with you at the helm of affairs. Happy birthday, sir.
8: Truly, life is awesome to me in that I am counted as one of your employees. There is no better way to say that you have been a great blessing than to pray for long and life and good health for you. Happy birthday, boss.
9: Your role as a manager fits you perfectly. You’ve been able to teach us good managerial practices while modeling integrity and transparency to us all. From my heart, I wish you a resplendent birthday celebration.
10: Any employer lacking a kind boss is doomed at his workplace. I’m glad that isn’t my story with you. Happy birthday, boss.
11: Thank you for accepting me the way I am, flaws and all. Thank you for standing by your word, and ensuring that I do the same. Thank you for smiling at my fears and for showing me how to stay strong. Thank you for being my boss. Happy birthday.
12: Happy birthday, boss. I wish you a pleasantly unforgettable new year as you clock 40 today.
13: Words come inadequately which truly capture the beauty of your heart. If I were left to choose, I would have you as my boss all the days of my work life. Happy birthday, my hero.
14: Find it in you to accept my simple wishes to you of joy, prosperity, and favor in your new year. Wonderful birthday, boss.
15: With you as the head of our department, we’ve broken existing records and set new ones. There’s no magic about it other than your can-do spirit. Happy birthday, boss. I celebrate you always.
16: I can’t remember hearing you say that a project is impossible to handle. Regardless of the financial and time constraints, you succeed in getting them done. I wish to be like you when I become a boss. Happy birthday.
17: You are as unique as an insightful leader. Your pattern of leadership is unconventional yet produces laudable results. Cheers to more of your presence as you celebrate your birthday today.
Heart Touching Birthday Wishes For Boss

18: The choicest blessings locate people with a magnetic personality like yours. Happy birthday, boss.
19: If I had plans and the resilience to work under a bad boss, all those were quashed when I started reporting to you. Thanks for everything you do to make work tolerable, sir. Happy birthday.
20: May the light of God’s countenance keep radiating on you. May His peace rest on your heart, and may He answer all your secret prayers. Happy birthday, ma’am.
21: Needless to say, I am in awe of your organization skills when it comes to putting people and tasks in their place. What a seasoned boss you are! Happy birthday.
22: Happy birthday, ma. The measure of your blessings and breakthrough for this year is too heavy to be disregarded. Enjoy!
23: Happy birthday. I wish you a new year of self-realization as you clock 60 today. That positions you for the success and satisfaction which no promotion can give.
24: If we can taste your sweetness as your employees, we wonder what a super dad you are to your kids. We are lucky to have you in our lives. Happy birthday, boss.
25: Everything you do for us points to one quality – kindness. I wish you a long, productive life free from sickness and misery.
26: In spite of the challenges that accompany every workday, you do all you can to remind me of how wonderful I am at my job. I can’t admire you less, boss. Happy birthday.
27: If I were a poet, I would have spun heart-melting lines that portray how priceless you are to my career growth. Since I am not one, I have to resort to saying it plainly that you are a human resource builder. Happy birthday, boss.
28: The apple can’t fall farther from its tree. I can’t understudy you and end up as a pathetic employee. My luck is that I got you as my boss. Happy birthday.
29: Be rest assured that we have a strong admiration for you even if we don’t show it often. Happy birthday, admiral.
30: On gloomy days, it takes your energetic voice to light up my heart. Also, you’ve devised a means of subtly appreciating a job well done so as not to attract much thanks from me. For all these and more, thank you, and happy birthday, boss.
31: The wind stirs up the burning fire to spread afar. Your compliments and kind words to us motivate us to spill our blood in order to put smiles on your face. Boss, you’ve done a lot for us to deserve our unwavering loyalty. Happy birthday.
32: I dread that the day might come when I will no longer work with you. I hope it doesn’t happen soon. Happy birthday, boss.
33: Nothing is as sweet as leaving the office much more satisfied than how one came. That’s the feeling I close the day with, all thanks to the friendly atmosphere you championed. Happy birthday, boss.
34: I hope your youth is renewed like a fine wine with your new year here today. Happy birthday, boss.
35: Gifts of a lifetime cannot equate with the selfless spirit you freely share everywhere you go. Happy birthday, boss.
36: The entire universe has agreed to bless you. Not even the earth nor heaven can stand against this agreement. Happy birthday, boss.
37: Time will definitely fail me to express my appreciation for you in words. Happy birthday; thank you for being my boss.
38: May heaven honor you. May your shoulders be lifted high for good. May your life lack no good thing. Happy birthday, boss.
39: After having my own good share of bad bosses, I can only say that God saved you for last as the best. I pray that we grow old and retire at the same time. Happy birthday, boss.
Funny Birthday Wishes For Boss

40: Gray hairs aren’t for everyone especially those who prefer to hide the gift of nature with dye. As you celebrate your great birthday today, may you be counted as one of those who are proud of displaying their own gray gifts of agedness.
41: If wishes were horses, my enemies would have whisked you away from my reach a long time ago. But thanks be to God who has given me a faster horse than theirs. Happy birthday, sir.
42: Whosoever that celebrates goodness will be a recipient of goodness. I hope it also applies to wealth, riches and fame because I am celebrating you harder than ever. Happy birthday, boss.
43: Happy birthday. Nothing good comes easy in life, not even staying cheerful in the midst of heart-ripping challenges just like you. I don’t mean it that way; read the line again, boss.
44: I have always admired you from afar. That made me work extra hard to be transferred to your department. The summary is that I think life on TV is easier than reality. Happy birthday, boss madam.
45: Joyous birthday, boss. With the way my life is going, I doubt I will have any issues working on Saturdays and Sundays for your sake. Hoping your charm on me doesn’t wear off with the wife’s nagging tongue.
Also Read: Noble Thank You Messages For Boss