Believe it or not, boys too, crave a little pampering and affection; but of course, most of them won’t admit it, thanks to the much glorified ‘masculinity’.
True, girls may be highly sensitive and receptive to romance, but as a good girlfriend, don’t let the spotlight shine on you all the time. Take up the mantle occasionally and surprise him with some sweet messages, just to remind him how much he means to you. You would be surprised how much he would reciprocate!
These well-composed, heartfelt messages will light up his bonfire heart and ensure the flame of your love burns forever. What are you waiting for

Romantic Love Messages For Him
1: In my life, I have seen people come and go, but deep down, I know you are the one who will stay forever. Thank you in advance honey. I love you so much.
2: On my worst days and those sleepless nights, what keeps me going is imagining what it would feel like to sleep in your arms. There’s no better feeling in the world. I live to appreciate and adore you.
3: You once asked me how much I love you. If I were to answer that right now, I would say every day not spent with you feels worthless. I wish you were here right now. Good night my King.
4: Ever since I met you, both the sun and stars ceased being the brightest things to me. Your smile and adorable eyes light up my world. Cheers to the best boyfriend in the world.
5: Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night wondering why I miss you so much or think about you so much, but the only answer I get is that I Love You unconditionally. I can’t wait to experience forever with you.
6: More than anything, I long for evenings with you and coming back home after a long day of work. To me, home is lying in your arms, listening to your heart beating and feeling your warmth. I’m honored to be called yours.
7: I have become so addicted to thinking about you, that sleeping has become a problem. Though I know you are asleep, always know that someone out cares for you deeply. Goodnight my cuddle partner.
8: As the rain pours and stars fade away, all I can think of is you in your bed. One of us is in the wrong place. Goodnight my Prince charming.
9: At this point, missing you hurts so much. I miss your voice, your touch and everything you do to make my life worth living. Sadly, I can’t see you right now. But I love you with all I have.
10: For making me the happiest woman in the world, I will forever be grateful. I get jealous of my heart because you get to live there every day. I want you for the rest of my life.
11: You came into my life when I was on the verge of giving up. I was empty but you gave me something for hope for. Like a knight in shining armor, you are the light at the end of my tunnel. I appreciate you for all you are and for all you have given me.
12: As you lay peacefully asleep, my only wish is to slowly creep into your dreams and make all your desires come true. I wish I could hold you tight and let you know how much I love you. Without a shred of doubt, our kids will have the best dad in the world.
13: Your happiness, warmth, and smile mean the world to me. I see a future in you, brighter than I have seen in any other man. Regardless of the bad times, I promise to always fight for us. Thank you, my love.
Deep Love Messages For Him

14: Sweetheart, I love you. What I feel for you runs deeper than the ocean and higher than the skies. You started as a mere friend and within no time, you became my heartbeat. From the bottom of my heart, I hope to spend the rest of my life with you.
15: Ever since you came around, you made my life beautiful and close to perfection. Like a gardener, you transformed me from a barren land to a garden of roses. To me, this is the right definition of love.
16: After so many years of being heartbroken by the wrong guys, I finally found someone who accommodates everything about me. Although I may not be perfect, I promise to always try making us the ideal pair. I cherish you so much.
17: To the love of my life and the man who swept me from my feet, my heart will always beat for you. It has been channeled to move back and forth for you, till the end of time.
18: I have purposed to give you all that you will ever need. With you, I will get through the saddest moments. In you, I have a comforter, a helper, a confidant, and a friend. You are what I always dreamt of.
19: I know I left you a few moments ago, but I already miss you. You are the best kind of high and the only addiction I want to have for the rest of my life. You have been such a gentleman and I love every bit of you.
20: My baby boy, In your love, I feel secure, safe and free. Through your love, I come alive. Because of you, I have grown more conscious, resilient and motivated. I could never thank you enough.
21: Other people may see you as an ordinary person but to me, you are an endless paradise of joy and happiness. I have been thinking about you, day and night; clearly understanding that my life is incomplete without you.
22: Until I met you, I always thought that true love comes naturally. But you proved me wrong and helped me experience a mystical feeling that cannot be comprehended by ordinary minds. With every beat, my heart chants your name.
23: If you searched my heart, you would find a well of love stored only for you. With a broad smile and a joyful heart, I will profess my love for you. You are enough; a thousand times enough.
24: My darling, my life has been intertwined with yours. You have taught me how to be a good wife, counseling me and showing me the right ways. Our love shines brighter than noonday proving to people that true love does exist. I am yours forever, hubby.
Heart Touching Love Messages For Him

25: My love for you gets hotter as the days go by. It will never run dry as long it’s you and I. Looking at the keyboard, U and I are side to side, just like we are always meant to be. You are the best gift a person could have.
26: As the stars have the planets to orbit around, so does my heart revolve around you. I pray we live together forever, as the greatest example of true love during our time.
27: Looking at the mirror, I can only see the far that I have come, mainly because of you. The beautiful adventures and life lessons you have instilled in me have transformed me into the woman I am today. Truly, I would never ask God for a better man.
28: Of all the good days we have had, the day we met remains to be the best in my life, simply because I had a second shot at true love. Though I have made many new friends since then, none of them matches what you make me feel.
29: Your love is etched to my mind and locked deep inside my heart. I never thought I’d get so excited to see a guy as I do when it comes to you. You bring out the best and worst in me, know me inside out, and can handle the worst of my moods. You are magical.
30: You seem prettier with every moment that passes. Truly, you age like the finest wine. I hope that one day, our kids will inherit your handsome nature and end up being responsible, hard-working people like you.
31: All the moments we have shared and time invested have all built up to this glorious season of marriage. As we start our happy ever after, I hope that we will abound in all the good things that life has in store.
32: I love you, my partner in crime. The little time we get to spend together means the world to me. I know we are perfectly imperfect but what matters is that our true love blossoms every day.
33: Thinking about you brings me close to tears. I know that you had every reason to leave, but still chose to stay. For bringing joy amidst the sadness and being the best boyfriend in the world, I am grateful.
34: I often catch myself smiling, especially when thinking about you. I have given you complete custody over my heart and it delights me to know it is in safe hands.
35: No one keeps me as warm as I am in the interior. It is a clear indicator that you have kept these fires alive despite the ups and downs. Words are not enough to express this feeling.